Vol 9 Issue 4 July 2022-August 2022
Ekanem, Ekanem Asukwo, Nebeife, Chigozie Joseph, Celestine Okafor
Abstract: This study aimed at analyzing the dynamics of Malian crisis between 2012 to 2021. Descriptive research design that depended on the judgmental sampling technique was adopted. The secondary source (books, journal articles, internet materials and monographs) were sourced from Nigerian libraries and internet; subjected to content analysis, before qualitatively analyzed for the study. Findings revealed that colonial legacy, political alienation and economic marginalization triggered Malian crisis of 2012. The crisis had led to humanitarian and economic crisis as well as human rights abuses. Economic Community of West African States, African Union, France, United States, European Union including United Nations had intervened. Though, findings have deepened frustration – aggression theory, regrettably, the solution is still wanting. The study recommends restoration of democratic regime, practice of good governance, inclusive dialogue as well as international cooperation as panacea for Malian crisis.
Keywords: Crisis, region, intervention, Islamists, marginalization, contestation, violent, frustration, aggression.
Title: Towards Analyzing Violent Contestation for Power in Mali, 2012 – 2021
Author: Ekanem, Ekanem Asukwo, Nebeife, Chigozie Joseph, Celestine Okafor
International Journal of Novel Research in Humanity and Social Sciences
ISSN 2394-9694
Vol. 9, Issue 4, July 2022 - August 2022
Page No: 40-52
Novelty Journals
Website: www.noveltyjournals.com
Published Date: 22-August-2022